
Blog on Special Educational Needs - Asian College of Teachers

Attention Shortening: Activities to Improve ADHD Kids' Attention Span

31st May 2023

In general, children are usually distracted in nature, as they learn to focus on tasks with time as they grow older. This is why many parents and teachers fail to notice that children might be suffering from an attention deficit disorder.

Many children suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, which is in simple terms known as ADHD. It is a neurodevelopmental disorder which affects the attention span and behaviour also of children. Any children who’s going through ADHD may show symptoms of inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity.

These symptoms can make it challenging for them to focus in school, complete tasks, and interact with others. According to the National Institute of Health, “Globally, it has been estimated that approximately 5% of children and adolescents are affected by ADHD.”

Summary of ADHD Prevalence Rates in Different Age Groups 

ADHD can be a challenging condition for both parents and children. However, with the right understanding and support, children with ADHD can thrive and succeed. Those parents who have pursued courses like SEN Courses for Parents know that one of the best ways to support children with ADHD is to make them indulge in sports activities.

However, our blog can also help you to know how sports activities can help ADHD children and which sports activities you should prefer for them.

So, without any further delay, let’s get to know everything about sports activities for ADHD children.

Before knowing about which sports activities you should introduce to your children with ADHD, you must know it’s benefits.

Benefits of Sports Activities for Children with ADHD

We have summed up five major benefits for children with ADHD. They are:

1. Improved Focus

Engaging in sports requires focus and attention, which can help children with ADHD to improve their focus and attention span not just in sports but in other fields as well.

For example- Their attention span will increase towards the school lessons, which have been taught in class.

2. Minimize Hyperactivity

Sports activities can help children with ADHD to channel their excess energy in a positive way. Physical or sports activity can also help to reduce hyperactivity and restlessness.

For example- In general children with ADHD, don’t know where and how to channel their restless energy and they may procrastinate. However, if you give them a task to use their energy like sports activities then it will surely help in reducing hyperactivity.

3. Increased Social Skills

Sports provide opportunities for children to interact with others and develop social skills. This can be especially beneficial for children with ADHD, who may struggle with social interactions.

For example- Sports that require everyone to play as a team like, soccer can help children with ADHD to socialize and they will also learn how to become a team player skill as well.

4. Boosted Self-Esteem

Participating in sports activities can help children with ADHD to build self-confidence and self-esteem. Achieving success in sports can provide a sense of accomplishment and pride.

For example- If children do hard work in whichever sport they are and the outcome of that is winning that game then it boosts their confidence and self-esteem which will ultimately help them to thrive in other aspects of life as well.

5. Improved Physical Health

Engaging in sports activities can help children with ADHD to improve their physical health. Regular exercise can help to reduce the risk of obesity, improve cardiovascular health, and boost overall wellness.

Children with ADHD generally feel restless and they don’t know how to channelize their energy, however, sports can give them purpose and with that, they will also be able to improve their overall physical health as well.

How To Choose the Right Sport for Your Child?

Parents who have pursued SEN Courses for Parents know how to choose the right sports activities for their children according to their child’s interests and other aspects of theirs.

However, we also have mentioned four ways to choose the right sport for your child.

1. Interests

Choose a sport that aligns with your child's interests. Children are more likely to stick with a sport that they enjoy.

2. Team vs. Individual Sports

Both Team sports and individual sports have their own benefits. Team sports can help children with ADHD to develop team-working skills and give them the opportunity to socially interact as well. On the other hand, individual sports will help them to develop and achieve success individually and boost their confidence as well.

However, we would suggest you give your children the opportunity to do both types of sports and see what they preferred.

3. Physical Demands

Every child with ADHD has a different set of abilities and limitations, so keep that in mind while choosing a sport for them. Some sports may be too physically demanding for them, so choose sports activities according to that only.

Now let us get to know interesting sports activities, which you can introduce to your children with ADHD.

5 Sports Activities For Your Children with ADHD

1. Swimming

Swimming is a low-impact sport that provides a full-body workout. It can help to improve cardiovascular health, coordination, and overall physical fitness.

2. Basketball

Basketball is a sport that can help children with ADHD to play as a team and it will help them to develop their confidence, social skills and they will also learn team-player skills as well.

3. Football

Football is also a team sport that requires a certain level of focus, and proper co-ordination, which can come only if the team is communicating with each other openly. It can help children with ADHD to improve their confidence, social skills, and overall physical fitness as well.

4. Tennis

Tennis is an individual sport that requires focus, coordination, and strategy. It can help to build self-confidence and independence while also improving physical fitness.

5. Gymnastics

Gymnastics can provide structure and discipline while also promoting physical fitness and coordination. It can also be a great outlet for excess energy.

Lastly, gymnastics is also a great sport for children with ADHD. It could improve overall physical fitness and coordination of the body as well. Additionally, it also helps them to utilize their restless energy to do something productive.

Sports Activities are great for Children with ADHD

Those parents or even teachers who have pursued courses like SEN Courses for Parents, Knows that sports activities can provide valuable benefits for children with ADHD, including improved focus, reduced hyperactivity, and increased social skills. When choosing a sport for your child, consider their interests, strengths, and abilities. With the right understanding and support, children with ADHD can thrive in sports and in life.

Written By : Laura Taylor

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