ADHD And Study Struggles: Make It Better With These 6 Tips And Tricks
30th July 2024

Research reveals that students with ADHD turned in 12% fewer assignments than their peers each quarter.
There's no doubt that studying may be difficult for those with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Homework is disliked by all children. However, schoolwork might be particularly challenging for a youngster with ADHD. Tasks that may take an hour for other children could take you two, three, or even more.
Establishing a disciplined schedule might assist your child in maintaining attention and direction. Since each person with ADHD is unique, you might find some of these suggestions to be more useful than others.
Failproof Tips To Make Study Time Easier For ADHD Students
If you notice your child is taking longer to complete their in-class assignments or homework, here are a few tips to make things a little less challenging for them:
1. Give Them Extra Time
Compared to their neurotypical classmates, children, and teenagers with untreated ADHD spend more time studying every day. They might find it easy to become sidetracked and lose focus on the work at hand.

Giving them a larger time ‘buffer’ might thus be beneficial. The size and significance of the assignment will likely determine how big of a buffer they need. You might wish to include a 5–10-minute cushion if you believe they can do a take-home worksheet in 30 minutes.
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2. Interact With The Material
It might be more difficult for students to focus on uninteresting things if they have ADHD. This is a question of brain chemistry rather than willpower. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that keeps them motivated and focused, and those with ADHD typically have decreased dopamine levels.
Their brain could wander in search of something inherently fulfilling to focus on if it has less dopamine stored up. Low dopamine levels can be raised by engaging in novel, difficult, or exciting tasks.
3. Set Up A Work Station
Every day, designate a specific area for your child to complete their schoolwork. Make sure it's out of the way of distractions like noisy peers and playful items. Ensure, the seat needs to face a wall rather than a window.
Light noise from a fan or soft music from an MP3 player can assist block out distractions so that the learners’ attention is focused on their task.
4. Break Up Study Time
To avoid having them do everything at once, divide up the assignments. Have them work on three 20-minute periods with playtime or a snack in between, rather than one long hour.
Alternately, spend 20 minutes on math, 20 on English, and then 20 on math. They won't suffer as much, and their work could get better.
5. Set Up A Routine
Divide their schoolwork into shorter, more manageable tasks. Then, to help kids stay on target for each part, use a timer or alarm app. They will benefit from it, and you won't have to bother them as much.
Large, time-consuming projects should be broken down into manageable parts, much like the daily assignments. Make a timetable with due dates for every task. These little deadlines will enable them to complete the assignment on schedule.
6. Motivate With Rewards
They're not bribes. Rewarding your child for good work is acceptable. A little motivation goes a long way. Establish a positive reinforcement scheme to motivate your students.
For example, after every completed task or after meeting every deadline allow them some playtime. Moreover, you can also make them watch a funny video or allow them to play their favorite games.
Help Them Study Better, Not Harder
Living with ADHD might present constant obstacles when it comes to studying. However, modifying homework schedules and experimenting with a few different study strategies could help them manage better. Moreover, if you are struggling to help them maintain a schedule, pursuing ADHD Courses Online can help you provide more individualized support.
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