
Blog on Special Educational Needs - Asian College of Teachers

Unknown Facts About Adult Autism to Share with Everyone

20th July 2020

You’ll discover an unexpected number of write-ups about young children when you search for information online about the autism spectrum. In actual fact, most articles are being written about children only but the adults with autism spectrum turmoil face an overpowering number of challenges as they enter the existent world. However, these days, the autism spectrum has become a very multifaceted diagnostic arrangement, with identification taking a lot of factors such as communication into consideration. Autism was first researched and considered in the 1940s by the pioneers Hans Asperger and Leo Kanner.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, ASD symptoms in adults often overlap with unrelated mental health disorders, such as ADHD. As a result, they might receive a mental health diagnosis with medications or therapies that don’t cater to all their needs. Research on autism treatment in adults is also far less inclusive than interventions for children, which is a probable factor for misdiagnosis, or no diagnosis at all.

Some companies have started hiring autistic individuals, a few include:

  • Microsoft
  • Freddie Mac
  • Walgreens
  • SAP

What Is Autism?

Autism is a lifetime developmental anarchy that comprises different challenges in social communication skills, fine and gross motor skills, verbal communication, and intellectual aptitude. It is essential to know that autism is neither a psychological illness nor a condition that gets worse over time.

Most of the cases are being diagnosed in the early days and last throughout life. Although there is no established cure for autism, however, with behavioural, instructive, and family treatment may help to lessen symptoms by building the skills.

Facts about Adult Autism

1. For adults, it’s quite difficult to receive a proper diagnosis as the early intrusion is more now than in earlier times and some adults aren’t so lucky. Children with autism spectrum are much more possible to be given a proper diagnosis and in adults, it frequently overlaps with disparate psychological disorders, such as ADHD.

2. Many adults with autism spectrum don’t learn daily living skills in time. A big problem for those with autism spectrum is a lot of high-school aged teens aren’t being taught to perform or behave without their parents. Several teenagers on the autism spectrum don’t usually acquire the everyday living skills which are required to survive on their own after high school and self-governing becomes living much more of a challenge, and much less of an opportunity.

3. Many adults whom people would now consider to be autistic never received an autism diagnosis and children with autism become adults with autism. However, children with autism may construct skills and workarounds that make autism less evident and teens with autism may learn new social skills.

4. Adults with autism are generally different from one another. You will see some adults on the spectrum are joyfully married or partnered while some are not capable to function in the workplace. Well, these huge differences make it tough to describe for adults with autism as for children on the autism spectrum.

5. Another big idea is adults with autism spectrum are less likely to find employment. There are a number of social, behavioural, cerebral, as well as learning barriers that make employment a challenge for several with autism spectrum. It’s even harder for those with intellectual disabilities and this unemployment affects a variety of aspects of an autistic person’s life.

6. Adults with autism spectrum also show inferior mental health along with more chronic conditions than the general population does. Adults with autism are also probable to live with schizophrenia, depression, and other mental health disorders, anxiety disorders are also common among adults with autism spectrum.

7. A lot of autistic adults encompass large strengths and abilities. Most are determined on their work and are hardly ever distracted by social activities, researches have shown that. In fact, quite a few have exceptional talents!

People with autism find a lot of these expectations impossible to fulfil as autism entails shortfalls in speech and nonverbal communication and social interaction. However, teaching professionals and parents can really help them by playing a vital role in the development of their skills with the help of autism courses online. Very few adults with autism are living without help, getting full time jobs, comparing badly to adults with other disabilities as well. To accomplish something, they, like everyone else, need companionship, support, and opportunities to toil and play an accepting social surrounding.

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