
Blog on Special Educational Needs - Asian College of Teachers

How Taxonomy of Bloom Helps in Learning Processes in Special Education

12th June 2020


Bloom's Taxonomy is usually being used when designing instruction or learning processes in special education. This is particularly applicable for students with ADHD in most education and psychology classes of thinking in special education. Read the blog to understand more. ...


5 Survival Guidelines for the New Special Education Teachers

6th June 2020


Here are 5 tips to help you in surviving in the field of the special educational needs world. With some basic effective traits like patience, creativity and acceptance, you can become an excellent special educational needs educator by following these traits. Read out the blog! ...


What Every Teacher Needs to Know About Teaching the Dyslexic Learners

29th May 2020


Nonetheless, teaching the dyslexic children can be a difficult job, and it’s essential to keep in mind that by applying the unique teaching strategies, the dyslexic child can learn in a better way. Find out through the blog. ...


Top 5 of 21st Century Teaching Traits and How Do They Help Special Children

23rd May 2020


It is important for the special education teachers to understand and comprehend the different crucial teaching qualities to teach special children. Special education teachers who dedicate their lives in helping children with special needs always try to modify their teaching ways especially in this era where education is evolving. To be specific, the top five estimable teaching traits of special education teachers have been listed in the blog. ...


Understanding the Behavioural and Emotional Disorders in Learning Disability

15th May 2020


The behavioural and expressive disorders have been exceptionally controversial as these can happen as a consequence of neurological, psychological and environmental factors. That’s why as an end result the behavioural explanation has to confine the various student population and the blog gives a clear idea about the concepts. A widely held notion is that children with learning disabilities have some emotional difficulty connected with the learning difficulty, let’s understand the sit ...


5 ADHD Myths and Facts that Propagate Social Stigma

7th May 2020


Over the recent decades, end number of misinformation has increased about ADHD and its causes. People go on with a lot of mistaken ADHD beliefs – and also encourage some myths. These myths only propagate misinterpretation, stigma and embarrassment. It is necessary to identify those myths as ADHD isn't a failure to pay attention, ADHD makes it harder to manage the attention only and the blog explains it well. ...