Keep These Points In Mind Before Connecting With SEN Kids

Keep These Points In Mind Before Connecting With SEN Kids

SEN KidsManychildren in the world haveextraordinary gifts and hence, they are considered to be extremely special and precious. Teaching strategies for these are quite exclusive and lessons plans are perfectly crafted keeping in mind their needs and what curriculum will be accurate for their potential. Special education teachers are applying creative teaching strategies to avoid saying words to special children that might hurt their self-respect and emotion.

Special education courses enable special educators to follow a pattern that is comprised of modern methodologies so that teaching kids with special needs no more feel like a hassle. Besides, special education needs (SEN) teachers learn classroom management and keep a count on student progress in this course as well. It is available in three modes, certificate, Diploma, and postgraduate diploma. Private schools, public schools, creches, and many other academic institutions are hiring SEN teachers to teach children with special needs.

Watch out for these mistakes that SEN teachers often do while teaching gifted kids:

Yelling at students results in developing a dislike for the teacher slowly and SEN kids do not feel comfortable enough around SEN teachers. Talking in a firm tone and stern voice would make teaching less complicated and a fun task.

Using humor in the study room and making students laugh is indeed an incredible concept as it does not make the classroom ambiance grave. Whereas, targeted comic stories or remarks that may seem like teasing or humiliating a special kid hampers his/her self-confidence. Teasing or making fun of the child based on voice, movement, appearance, or family background should be prohibited at any cost.

It is advisable not to touch the student unless you're his/her parent. It is recommended that even if you’re a parent, avoid physical interaction while you’re teaching. More Importantly, moves like wrestling, tickling, thrill, and other physical expressions should be avoided.

Whatever might be the situation, teachers should not be biased towards any particular student. Human beings tend to exercise favoritism unknowingly but being a SEN teacher, one must keep in mind that it should be done at all. Preferring an individual student often leads to the shattering of the courage of other special kids.

The classroom decorum should be maintained and a peaceful atmosphere must prevail but kids often do mischievous things and for that SEN teachers should not become violent by losing patience.

Different Ways Of Connecting with Children With Special Educational Needs

Teacher/Parent must have a clear objective and a purpose to help students with special needs to stick with the lesson. This is also beneficial in setting up the right expectations. Without any objective or agenda, teaching specially-abled kids are like throwing darts aimlessly.

A great manner to motivate the students is to establish a connection between their experience and what you are teaching. Successful teachers realize that it's crucial to discover students’ goals, connect them to what they're coaching and make it applicable to their lives. There must be a resemblance to what they are taught so that kids can also slowly get accustomed to the real world.

It is not true that teachers are being judged on the basis of attire as attire or appearance has nothing to do with teaching skills. However, a proper balance must be there when it comes to profession and attire. For example, a footballer should not be wearing a cocktail gown or a tuxedo while playing for her/his club or country. Similarly, SEN teachers are not being asked to wear formals all the time but they must wear something that will not baffle the kids.

Unprepared lesson plans fail massively in teaching and it reduces the credibility of a teacher amongst students. If you plan your upcoming assignments earlier, you will be aware of how to deliver them and it will encourage kids to be better prepared for the lessons. Consider special education courses. Hence, if a SEN teacher remembers all these factors and then starts catering to the needs of special kids, the mission will be accomplished without any hindrances.

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