
Blog on Special Educational Needs - Asian College of Teachers

Beyond Desks: 5 Creative Ways Flexible Seating Boosts Learning and Fun!

21st March 2024


Special education students generally have a hard time in their academic journey. To make their life easier, consider using flexible seating arrangements. Explore our informative guide to gain more insights. ...

Written By : Park Jin Ae


What Is Action-Driven Policy That Special Education Leaders Should Know About?

8th March 2024


Action-driven policy acknowledges the significance of communicating the starting teacher's development to administrators, mentees, and yourself using a variety of channels and sources. The year-long action plan helps your teachers and their mentees have more focused talks. Here is everything you should know about this policy as a school leader. ...

Written By : Ruchi Mehta


Choice Time In Special Education Classrooms: How To Create One For Yourself

23rd February 2024


Choice time is being curtailed or removed as standards and testing often take center stage in the classroom. But giving students the freedom to choose has many advantages for both you and your students. Keep reading on for more valuable insights. ...

Written By : Laura Taylor


Make Holidays Fun For Children With Autism? Here's How!

13th February 2024


For many children and their families, the holidays may be happy, thrilling, and magical. Beautiful family memories may be created by the festivities, lights, music, presents, get-togethers, and decorations. However, things might become a little trickier when it comes to autism and the holidays. Here are a few ways to make holidays fun for children with autism. ...

Written By : Victoria Lewis


Phonological Awareness: What Is It And Why Is It Important For Reading?

31st January 2024


When it comes to teaching literacy to students, you must make them aware of phonology. This involves enabling your students to recognize and manipulate the sounds within the spoken words. Read on to know why phonological awareness is essential for reading and spelling. ...

Written By : Park Jin Ae


Best Strategies To Support Special Needs Students to Thrive In Their Academics

23rd January 2024


Every special needs student has different needs according to their different abilities. Every special needs teacher’s responsible for understanding their need and providing the required support. Explore our informative guide to gain more insights. ...

Written By : Ruchi Mehta